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Writer's pictureCole Leonida

Do It.

When was the last time you read one of the gospels? I’m not talking about listening to a sermon about a passage from Matthew or hearing the Christmas story from Luke. When was the last time you actually read a gospel? Have you read a gospel? If it has been a long time or you have never personally read one, no problem and no judgement, but I would really encourage you to do it! It doesn’t matter which one, just pick one and start reading. Mark is short and to the point, Luke is very detailed and long-winded, Matthew is somewhere in between, and John offers a slightly different perspective than the other three. Again, there is no wrong place to start, just pick one and dive in!

I started reading Luke back on Christmas Eve because it includes the Christmas story in the first few chapters. But then it jumps into Jesus’ early adulthood and ministry and let me tell you, it is awesome! Jesus was all over the place! He was travelling over here to heal a blind man, travelling over there to flip some tables, wandering through the wilderness for over a month, climbing a mountain to preach a sermon, recruiting his team of disciples, walking on water, attending weddings, preparing meals, calming storms, cleaning feet, forgiving sins, serving others, teaching, baptizing, saving, and oh yeah, resurrecting a couple people along the way.

The guy was busy.

He only lived 33 years but his stat sheet was filled to the brim. Think of all the frequent flier miles he must have had, no doubt he had platinum status. He’s also the all-time leader in lives saved, blind people healed, deaf people healed, lepers healed, sins forgiven, dead people brought back to life, and of course, the undisputed lifetime champion in alter calls accepted.

Why am I telling you all of this about Jesus? Because it is mind blowing how much he DID.

At the beginning of the year, we all have hope and excitement around goals for the upcoming year. Some of us write them down, others share them on social media, or maybe we tell our spouse or friends. We have all these things we want to DO in the next year, and then the next year comes and goes, and what we had PLANNED to do looks very different than what we actually DID.

No matter what your goals, whether personal, professional, health, relationship, spiritual, financial, you name it, without action, they are just wishes. Jesus walked the earth as the Son of God, so I guess you could say he had a leg up on most of us. However, Jesus needed to experience life, interact with people, put himself out there, and ACTUALLY DO WHAT HE WAS SENT TO DO.

We are all here with unique talents, abilities, and callings. We all have the capability of incredible achievement and life changing accomplishments. But, none of those innate characteristics guarantee success. In fact, the only thing guaranteed when it comes to success is that no matter your natural aptitude or blessing, without action you will not succeed.

There is no succeeding without doing.

You could have the calling to have a family, get a degree, plant a church, launch a business, get a promotion, lose some weight, run a marathon, repair a relationship, or change the world. No matter how big or small your dreams, unless you start doing, you’ll never see them fulfilled.

Take Lebron James for instance. Lebron is 6’9” 250 pounds of pure explosive athleticism with a photographic memory and a knack for team leadership and basketball strategy. If Lebron doesn’t show up to the arena every night, he doesn’t win. If he doesn’t get on the team plane for road trips, he likely wouldn’t even have a job. If he doesn’t get up, show up, and put in the work, he does not succeed.

The same goes for Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos in business, Craig Groeschel and Louie Giglio as pastors, Nelson Mandela and Martin Luther King, Jr. as world changers. No matter your natural giftings, your platform, or your circumstance, if you don’t show up and DO THE WORK, none of it matters.

Jesus showed up every day. Some days that meant traveling long distances, some days it meant resting and praying. No matter what the day called for, Jesus DID it. It is also important to point out that Jesus didn’t show up one day, save the world and all of humanity, cram in all of his miracles and wonders, and then check out for the rest of eternity. No, Jesus showed up every day. Jesus made the world Better Every Day. Little by little, one life at a time, Jesus left his mark on those around him. Jesus built his legacy day in and day out. Consistently showing up and pouring himself out for others. What’s glorious about Jesus is he still shows up every day. He hasn’t changed and never will. He is the epitome of consistency, never wasting a moment.

How many hours or days are you wasting not doing what needs to be done?

Are you clear on what you want?

Are you doing what should be done in order to get what you want?

Are you like me and find excuses not to do what you ought to be doing or find your self sabotaging and wasting time on a regular basis?

Maybe its time to go back to the basics. Get clear on where you want to go and then get moving. The old WWJD (What Would Jesus DO) bracelets could serve as a great constant reminder that Jesus was a doer. Likewise, we are called to be doers of the Word, not just apathetic consumers or bystanders.

Whether you are trying to create the next Tesla, Life Church, or major social reform, it takes time. The same goes for a successful marriage, raising a child, losing some weight, or any other meaningful goal. Nothing noteworthy is achieved overnight, you have to show up, DO THE WORK, and get better every day.

Do you have a calling on your life or a dream on your heart? Chances are, the only thing keeping your from getting there is you. You have to start the race before you can finish. Once you start, you have to keep moving no matter the obstacles in your path. Wherever you are in your journey, just know that it is not too late, you’re not too far gone, you haven’t missed the opportunity. You are capable, you are equipped, and you are ready. You can do it. The trick is, you just have to DO IT.

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